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Course Plan

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Junior Year


Autumn 2017


CEP 301 - Idea of Community


  • This introduction to CEP was a philosophy course that covered the main ideas around community and called for conversations with humans that were about to form a community with one another. The conversations and ideas that were taken away from this course made us feel safe and comfortable around one another and was a great introduction to the ideals of the major. 


Landscape Architecture 403 - Cultural Landscape


  • This was the study abroad I was a part of during the three weeks prior to the school year starting. The project in Rijeka, Croatia was designing and constructing a park for a boarding school in Rijeka with a team of other UW students. This was a great introduction into the world of design and how to take ideas and actually create and build them. 


ENVIR 239 - Sustainable Choices


  • This environmental studies course focused on an individual's decisions surrounding their impact on the planet and how we can make better and more sustainable decisions in our everyday lives. 


Winter 2018


CEP 302 - Environmental Response – Core


  • This course focuses on environmental challenges we in a society face and how we will be able to combat these threats to our everyday lives. This class gave me insight on environmental issues we are faced with today, as well as ways to use our community as a tool to combat these issues. This class furthered my comfortability with environmental issues that I see being a vital part of my future career. A large part of this course was looking at what projects government agencies are currently working on and become comfortable with field jargon.


ENVIR 439 - Attaining a sustainable society - Methods


  • This course was recommended by many of my peers and seems to truly go for one of my main focuses in college, which is on how to make Seattle and other cities more sustainable. This class game me a solid platform in learning about past, present, and future actions towards attaining a true sustainable society and pushed me to construct new ideas towards solving issues in our cities.


NUTR 446 – Food Safety and Health – Methods


  • This course will satisfied my interests  in our food systems and urban agriculture. It will give me a lot of information about common food issues that arise with our food safety issues that alive in our food systems. It gave me a look into different policies that keep our citizens safe and part of the course will focus on sustainable agriculture, or in other words, solutions to the problems in our food production system in place today.


Spring 2018


CEP 303 – Social Structures and Processes – Core


  • I believe this course will further my interest and knowledge of how a community can be best set up and will hopefully inspire me to introduce ideas of better community planning into my field of interest during my time in CEP. I like the idea of tying together environment and community into one course, I am interested to see the ideas that arise from this course.


Envir 240 – The Urban Farm – Methods


  • This course was taught by a legendary professor in the Program on the Environment: Beth Wheat, a current farmer on Whidbey Island.  This course was mostly conducted outdoors with hands on learning at the UW Farm. We learned a lot about what it takes to run an urban farm but also learned the basics in the world of farming. This course included a field trip to Prof. Wheat's farm.


Danish 411: Scandinavian Language + Culture


  • This course was taken to satisfy my VLPA credits but also gave me an introduction to the language and culture of Denmark. The reason this course was taken was because I had been accepted into a study abroad going to Copenhagen, Denmark. This course was beneficial to my general knowledge of Danish customs and their language, making me more comfortable for the trip I was about to take. 


Summer 2018


Scandinavian 399: Copenhagen Classroom

  • This four-week study abroad course in Copenhagen touched on four main focuses within the study of Copenhagen. Architecture, Politics, Literature, and Film all around the focus on Denmark's immigration issues. 

Senior Year


Autumn 2018


CEP 460 - Planning in Context – Core


  • This course was a real world look at the world of planning. This course had us students work in group projects with The Livable City Year program in Bellevue. My group worked on a walkability project and called for site analysis and citizen feedback with how we could improve the walkability of Northeast Bellevue. Working with real city planners in the City of Bellevue as well as listening to real citizen's feedback was a great way to see what real life planning work calls for. 


CEP 490 – Senior Project Prep Seminar – Core


  • This course was a way to get our senior projects up and running. In this course I was able to formulate what it was I wanted to accomplish during my nine month program. 


Arch 410: Intro to Architectural Photography


  • This was an intro course into the shooting and developing of film photography focused in on architectural photography. 


CEP 499: Independent Study


  • This independent study was being a Teaching Assistant for Marty Curry's CEP 200 course. This was a fantastic opportunity to give back to the major by influencing and showing Freshman and Sophomores of the UW what CEP is all about. 


Winter 2019


CEP 461 – Ethics and Identity – Core


  • This philosophy course fostered amazing conversations surrounding some introductory concepts of moral theories. The conversations that came from this course really taught me a lot about how we can translate these ethical theories to the workplace and real life. 


CEP 491 – Senior Project Seminar II: Methods and Actualization - Core


  • CEP 491 continued to check in on the progress of my senior project and plan the steps I would need to take within these ten weeks to have a finished deliverable by June.  


Geog 360- GIS and Mapping


  • This geography course taught me the basics into the world of Geographical Information Systems and the programs many planners use for site analysis and general mapping needs. This course gave my resume a boost and added a new skill that I can boast when applying to planning jobs. 


Spring 2019


CEP 462 –Community & Environment – Core


  • As the final core course of my CEP career I believe this class will be a great closure of ideas and memories within the major. Not only that but I think it will be a great full circle feeling, even bringing in what I learned my Freshman and Sophomore year, and how I have changed as a student and person, and what this person can do now in the real world with all these new tools.


Cep 462- Internship - Core

  • This course was a reflection on my time at the radio station which was my internship within CEP. On top of reflecting on the internship, this course taught me a plethora of life skills that would be applicable to my life after graduation. 





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